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5K:) - The Pledge Drive

It's 8:11am on a Saturday morning and like most people my age, I'd much rather be asleep right now, but fortunately, duty calls. I wanted to give you people an update of sorts about the project. So far, we've raised around 2,40,000 (our donation page shows 3,10,000 because of an error). We're nearing the halfway mark, and I figured I ought to let everyone know what this project actually entails.

There's three big components to this project - children, volunteers and funding. So far, we have around 3,200 meals which need to be delivered. I know our goal was 5,000, and we have enough orphanages to reach that number, but the problem is, as of right now, we have neither the funds nor the volunteers to cover that.

In terms of volunteers, we were hoping to have one at each orphanage. According to our estimates, it'll take around 60 orphanages for us to reach 5000 kids, and we have exactly 15 volunteers. The last date for signing up as a volunteer is the 14th of August, so if you're interested, please sign up right away. Come on, people, time, ride and Happy Meals wait for no one!

2,40,000 is enough to pay for, at the estimated rate or 100 per burger, 2,400 people. That's less than half our goal. Needless to say, if we don't make our goal of 5,00,000 over the course of the next five days, we'll still be doing the deliveries to however many kids we can, but it'd be something of a shame if we couldn't make 5K:) a reality. If you'd like to donate, this is our page on On the other hand, though, we're five days into a ten-day fundraiser, and we're halfway to our goal!

I'll post updates on my blog here as regularly as possible, but if you want more regular updates, you can check out our Facebook page or out donation page, where we also post occasional updates. You can find more details about what this project is actually about in this blog post. Again, please give generously, we're almost halfway there, both in terms of money and time.


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