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How Cool Was School, Really?

A lot of you mat not know this, but I'm now in 10th grade. This means, mainly, that relatives, neighbours and random people on the street tell you to study hard. Aside from that, though, it also means that I'm going to leave my current school for a different one. Before we go any further, I'd like to ask those of you who are allergic to soppy sentimentality to please leave. Those of you brave enough, please read on.

I've done my fair share of bashing the education system (case in point: here), but now that I'm actually LEAVING my school, I realize that I'm actually going to miss it. Until very recently, I never really thought about the fact that this is my last year in this school. Sure, I've been intending to leave at the end of 10th grade for a long while now. Sure, I knew that the end of 10th grade would come at some point. The thing is, it never seemed imminent. It always seemed like some event that was to occur at some point in the distant future. What really drove it home for me was when my class teacher told us that we had to perform an assembly next week and that it would be our last.

Every morning, one class in my school performs a skit or reads out a speech for assembly. My class has to do one next week, and we were brainstorming ideas. All of a sudden, our teacher walked in and told us that since this was to be our last assembly, we had to do a great job. That gave me pause. After 10 years in this school, the morning assembly has turned into an integral part of my life. I just can't envision a life where I don't see a bunch of kids up on stage doing something and then our headmistress castigating us for our latest bit of mischief. It just doesn't seem real.

Naturally, that lead me to think of all the other things I'd miss. My friends, of course, seem like a good candidate for things I'll miss, but:

  1. They aren't things and
  2. What with the internet and whatnot, I think we'll still be able to hang out.
It seems to me that what I'm really going to miss are the little things. The sound of the bell at the end of each period, the taste of the food that one of my friends grudgingly gave me, the smell of the toilet at the end of lunch break... OK, maybe not that last one. But the thing is, I really will miss my school.

The bottom line is, no matter how much I may complain about the system that I study under, no matter how much I may hate some of the classes I sit through, I'll still miss them. They're a part of who I am. But, as one of my friends said, it's a new beginning. Wherever I'm going, I'll just hope it'll be fun. VNS, it's been a ride. As John Green said, I go to seek a greater perhaps.


  1. Yeah Ritvik, wait unitl you're older. Even the boys room smell won't seem so bad in your memory then.

    1. When that day comes, I'll check myself into the nearest mental hospital.

  2. I'll miss you! But the greater perhaps must be sought by you.

  3. The last assembly idea was mien mate. :/

    1. Sorry bro. I wrote the blog before the assembly idea.


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