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Bad Publicity

Have you ever noticed how the newspapers these days are just full of bad news? It's like there's no longer anything good going on in the world any more. I remember back when newspapers had good news in them, and - wait, I'm fifteen. I've no recollection of such a time. But seriously, I'm sure there was one. There must have been a time when the newspapers were full of little bits of good news. Now you actually have to search through all the bad news for a shred of good news.

If you saw the world only as it is portrayed by newspapers, you'd probably be afraid to step out of your own front door without a shotgun and a bulletproof vest. You'd think the world was full of thieves, murderers, cheats and corrupt politicians - the dregs of society. You would be, in short, paranoid, depressing and no fun at all to hang out with.

Our public media channels are really of two types. The type that tells you about said murders and robberies and other depressing stuff and the type that tell you about the Kardashian's latest breakup (with some guy who looks like his IQ is pretty far below average) and Shah Rukh Khan's dating prospects. These channels, in other words, are good to only three types of people: Those who want to kill brain cells, those without any brain cells and those who, for some reason, have an all-consuming obsession with Justin Bieber's love life (whose brain cells are probably not very numerous). I really don't know how these channels stay afloat. I find these channels every once in a while and there is always some picture of a well known celebrity and the voice of some overpaid female telling you, in a very overeager tone, all the dirt that the channel has gathered from its latest bout of stalking some overpaid celebrity.

You know, people blame all sorts of things for the evils of society. They blame video games and YouTube, the internet in general and mobile phones and everything else that, for unfathomable reasons, they bear grudges against. I, personally, blame the media. Adults keep saying that my generation is so cynical. They call us the "pancake generation". Well, let me ask you this: If you keep telling me about violent psychopaths, what's to prevent me from thinking that that's the new "in" thing and become one myself (case in point, the chap who went in to a church and shot all the African American people in it because he thought it would make him "cool")? It's not Grand Theft Auto V or Facebook that's turning your child into an evil, antisocial, inhuman creature - it's all those newspapers that YOU keep encouraging him or her to read!


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