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Showing posts from April, 2016

Happy Birthday to You

Of late, I've been thinking a lot about birthdays (well, I haven't, actually, but a chap's got to have a topic to write about, hasn't he?). It seems a little strange to me, celebrating the day you came into the world, crying a lot and pooping excessively. And let's face it, the way we celebrate birthdays is a little creepy. I mean, think about this: 'Several people are gathered around an object on fire, chanting a repetitive song. One among them carries a knife. They extinguish the object and plunge the knife into it. The rest of the group stops chanting and spontaneously bursts into applause. '  - Description of a birthday party by some chap on Tumblr I mean, come on, tell me that doesn't sound like a scene from a cult horror film. But, strange cult rituals aside, I decided to do some research (read: click the first three links on a Google search) about birthdays. So, read on to learn some stuff about birthdays that you may or may not really care ab...

Bored Exams

Hello, all! For the first time ever (I wish), I'm returning from a long break (because we all know there weren't any others, right? Right guys?). Alright, it may not be my first ever long break, but it certainly is the first time that I'm fully exploring the cause behind it. My most recent hiatus has been the result  of that terror of all students, the board exams. The board exams, or public exams, for those of you who have spent the greater portion of your lives under rocks, are a set of examinations set by a group of out-of-touch old men sitting in Delhi. OK, no, they're not out of touch. I'm sure they're all supremely intelligent people and actually quite nice once you get to know them. The trouble is, though, I don't know them, and so as far as I'm concerned, they're a gang of Faceless Fiends who have made my life for the past two months into something which makes Dante's descent into the inferno seem like a slow stroll through the park. ...